Latest news and resources on 3D scanning and measurement technologies
When shopping for a professional-grade 3D scanner to use for industry applications–whether it’s reverse engineering, quality inspection, or scientific measurement–people are often surprised to find these systems are substantially more expensive compared to its consumer-grade counterpart. Why is there such a discrepancy in price?
Learn More ⟶Staghorn coral is an endangered species once thriving in the Caribbean. To plan for its future restoration efforts, researchers want to investigate the interacting influences of light and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) on the corals. Learn how 3D scanning was used to monitor the growth rate of live corals without harm in this research study.
Read Study ⟶The ability to produce high quality 3D printed models on demand using a variety of materials is an empowering tool. Product development teams can substantially speed up time-to-market and create better products, giving your company a competitive edge. Is it time to take advantage of 3D printing and implement the technology into your business?
Learn More ⟶We’ve happy to announce that we’ve extended our special deal on rapid prototyping packages until June 30, 2016. The bundle includes a copy of SpaceClaim CAD modeling software and an Axiom 3D printer that will help improve your product design and development process. Learn more about the benefits of rapid prototyping and view our promotion.
Contact Us ⟶We’re also offering 10% off when you buy Axiom 3D printers and accessories until the end of June. Take advantage of this promotion by going to our Shop and use the coupon code Airwolf10% during checkout.
Discount does not apply to Rapid Prototyping Deal.
Shop Now ⟶Michael McGinnis is the inventor of the award-winning toy, Perplexus. He taught himself how to use SpaceClaim with no prior knowledge of using CAD software to take his designs to the next level–from concept modeling, prototyping, to preparation for manufacturing. Learn how McGinnis replaced his physical design process with 3D modeling and saved hours in every iteration of his designs.
Read Case Study ⟶Photo of Dolphin Skull: View the model in 3D
Our team will be participating at the ICVM, a forum for researchers in vertebrate morphology, to promote the use of 3D technology in research studies. 3D scanning provides an efficient method for data collection and statistical analysis. By examining the 3D measurements of an organism’s biological structure, information can be inferred about a specimen’s genetics, environment, evolutionary changes, and how it lived.
June 29-July 3, 2016
Bethesda, Maryland (just outside Washington, DC)
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
If you are attending the event and would like to learn more about our technology in advance, please feel free to contact us at Hope to see you there!
Learn More ⟶We deliver 3D scanning and measurement solutions that transform real world objects into digital 3D models for industry applications including CAD/CAM, reverse engineering, quality inspection, scientific measurement, and 3D visualization. If you have any questions related to 3D scanning or 3D measurement technology, ask our technical specialists and they would be happy to help you out.