At GoMeasure3D, we want to show you the latest advancements in 3D scanning and related technologies so you can see the potential of how they can transforming the way you work. Our goals are to help you work more efficiently, improve your processes, reduce cost, and be innovators in your own industry to gain a competitive edge. That’s why we’re excited to announce two new webinars for the month of November!

Can’t attend live? You should still register! We’ll send you the recording after the webinar.
* We respect your privacy. All attendees will remain anonymous during the webinar (your video and audio will be disabled).
3D Scanning Webinar

Artec just released their new version of the AI-Powered HD Mode inside Artec Studio for the Artec Eva and Leo handheld 3D scanner. If you want to see with your own eyes how amazing the quality of 3D scans it is capable of generating, register for this webinar to find out. We will show you the new AI-Powered HD mode and answer any questions you have.
Boost Scan Quality With AI-Powered Artec Eva
Duration: 1 Hour
This webinar is ideal for:
- Anyone looking for a powerful, all-purpose 3D scanner.
- Existing Artec customers who are looking to upgrade to Artec Studio 15.1 to make their Eva feel like a new 3D scanner!
You can watch the webinar on demand by filling the form below:
* These fields are required.

Artec Leo
Want to see the AI-Powered Artec Leo in action?
We’ll have a webinar dedicated to it in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
3D Inspection Webinar

Have you been looking to take the leap to improve your quality inspection process for your company but have a tight budget to do it? 3D Systems recently introduced two affordable editions for Geomagic Control X: Essentials and Essentials Connect.
How To Implement an Affordable 3D Inspection System
Duration: 1 Hour
This webinar is ideal for:
- Anyone looking to get started on scan-based inspection without a large investment.
You can watch the webinar on demand by filling the form below:
* These fields are required.
Why Attend?
As you start making plans for 2021, these webinar sessions can help you in finding the right 3D measurement solutions for any new projects or to expand your capabilities. Purchasing equipment by year-end will ensure you are off to a good start in the New Year.
You are welcome to attend both webinars! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Register For A Free Webinar →