Tips and Resources Archives - GoMeasure3D GoMeasure3D Thu, 08 Feb 2024 22:16:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tips on Getting Quality Scan Data From Your 3D Scanner Thu, 04 May 2023 15:00:01 +0000 Capturing high-quality raw scans during the data acquisition stage is crucial because post-processing cannot always improve the quality of poorly scanned data. What can you do to ensure you get high-quality 3D scan data prior to post-processing?

The post Tips on Getting Quality Scan Data From Your 3D Scanner appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Originally published on: July 14, 2016.

Tips on getting quality scans

These two scans were captured by the same 3D scanner.
But why are the results so different?

Key 3d scans comparison

A major obstacle in getting the best results out of a 3D scanner is mastering the nuances of the 3D capture process, which can be challenging for new users to know if they are just getting started.


For Instance, Did You Know?

  • 3D scanning shiny objects can be problematic because reflective surfaces scatter the light projected from the 3D scanner, causing a less-than-ideal condition.
  • Repetitive or symmetrical surfaces can make a 3D scanner lose track of its movement while scanning.
  • Getting a 3D model in 360 degrees requires scanning the object at all angles, which can be a time-consuming process.

Nevertheless, with practice and determination, anyone can overcome these challenges. You can unlock the potential to achieve remarkable results, elevating 3D scans from average to exceptional!

Our team has spent countless hours testing and understanding what it takes to get accurate and reliable 3D scanning results every time. We would love to share these tips and tricks to take your 3D scanning skills to the next level. Implementing them will make your 3D scanning process a lot easier and faster. Most importantly, get the best resolution and ultra-high accuracy 3D models from your 3D scanner.

First things first. Let’s go over some fundamentals of 3D scanning to understand the basics before we dive into the tips and tricks.

Golden key

The Golden Rule of 3D Scanning

When you are 3D scanning, it is important to know that you should always:

Aim to capture the highest quality raw scan data from your 3D scanner rather than relying on post-processing algorithms

3D scanners capture raw 3D measurement data of a real-world object in the form of point cloud or polygon meshes.

Raw 3D Measurement Data (Scan Data)
  • Point cloud
    Point Cloud
  • Polygon mesh
    Polygon Mesh

Post-processing is the modeling stage where you clean up and transform individual 3D scans and merge them into a unified 3D mesh.

real object 3D model
Real world object versus the final 3D model ready for export. (After post-processing has been completed.)
View the Maya wood carving scan model on Sketchfab.

Finally, the rendered 3D models can be exported in a variety of industry-standard file formats. For advanced applications (such as reverse engineering, quality inspection, or CGI), additional post-processing software may be necessary. However, nowadays advanced 3D scanning software like Artec Studio extends beyond the basic 3D scanning cleanup to handle some of these operations.

3D Scanning Workflow

  • Geometry Acquisition

    Data collection phase where the user captures all sides of the object using a 3D scanner.


    Raw scan data

  • Post-Processing

    3D modeling phase that includes hole-filling, cleaning, aligning, and merging individual scans into a digital 3D model.

  • Export for Use

    Making the data available for use in another software by exporting it into standard file formats (PLY, OBJ, STL, ASC, FBX).


    3D model ready for industry use

Capturing high-quality raw scans during the data acquisition stage is crucial because post-processing cannot always improve the quality of poorly scanned data. Similar to cooking, fresh ingredients are necessary to create a delicious dish. The same applies to 3D scanning. Obtaining top-notch raw scans during the scanning process provides superior data to work with during post-processing, resulting in better final results.

Consequently, obtaining high-quality raw scan data from the outset ensures that less time and effort will be spent during post-processing, saving time, frustration, and headaches.

So, what steps can we take to make sure that we capture quality scans before post-processing?

Strong foundation

Preparing for Success: Build a Strong Foundation

Proper planning and preparation are crucial for every project in order to achieve high-quality 3D scans. By taking the time to prepare, you can simplify even the most challenging projects. The objective is always to do it once, instead of working in a perpetual cycle of re-scanning the object over and over again due to poor planning.

If your 3D scanner produces noisy scan data, this is often an indication for a need to improve either the device settings or the physical setup. Remember, investing in preparation now can save you significant time and effort down the line.

Planning and preparation = Less work later

Here are eight tips to help you capture quality 3D scans from the start:

  1. Tip #1: Take Control of Your Environment
    3d scanning with artec handheld scanner

    If you are 3D scanning indoors, have a designated area for this purpose. Creating a controlled environment gives you a better chance of getting consistent scan results.

    While the 3D scanner is acquiring data, excessive movement from the object or the device can create noisy scans and inaccurate results. Make sure you are 3D scanning in an area free from vibration from the ground (scanner placement – this is especially true for desktop or tripod-mounted 3D scanners) or surfaces such as a table (object placement).

    Consistent lighting is also crucial for scanning. Bright lighting can cause noisy data. It is best to switch off or dim the lights for better results.

    Some 3D scanners are capable of scanning outdoors. If you are scanning outside, do it in a shaded area away from direct sunlight with consistent lighting to capture the best scans.

    scanning kayak
    3D scanning a kayak outdoors with the Artec Leo handheld 3D scanner outdoors.
  2. Tip #2: Use the Right Fixture

    To prevent objects from falling down halfway through the scanning process due to improper mounting, it is essential to fixture them properly. Make sure the object is placed on a stable surface. For objects that don’t sit well on flat surfaces, you can use clay putty or clamps to hold the part in place.

    office supplies for fixturing
    You don’t have to spend too much money on 3D scanning accessories. You can use everyday office supplies (for example, modeling clay, putty, clamps) to secure scan objects in place.

    It is important to keep the object fixed securely to the surface. Even though the fixture will be deleted during post-processing, it is an essential component in the 3D scanning workflow. Background objects (or fixtures) like a floor, table, or turntable provide valuable reference points for the 3D scanner. Good fixtures have unique geometric shapes and textures to help the 3D scanner track movement and establish scale.

  3. Tip #3: Use A 3D Scanning Spray For Scanning Challenging Surfaces
    have to use spray on transparent object

    3D laser scanners and structured-light 3D scanners have difficulties capturing parts with shiny, dark, or clear surfaces. These types of measurement devices use light as a projection source. The light scatters when scanning surfaces such as metal or glass.

    To overcome this challenge, a developer aerosol spray can temporarily coat parts and create a uniform matte surface finish for 3D scanning. In our lab, we use AESUB 3D scanning sprays extensively for our projects and they work very well for 3D scanning applications.

    Aesub transparent dulling spray used
    Spraying a part with 3D scanning spray allows the 3D scanner to capture surfaces that would otherwise be impossible to do. In this example, AESUB Transparent dulling spray is used to capture the color of an object—even for dark surfaces.
    develop3d logo
    Develop3D screenshot

    “Its vanishing spray [AESUB] range is a godsend when trying to capture reflective surfaces.””

    Develop3D Guide To The Best Prototype Products

    You can view our lab tests and tutorial videos to learn more about how to prepare difficult surfaces for 3D scanning.

    Aesub Sprays

    Looking for 3D scanning spray?

  4. Tip #4: Rotate the Object While 3D Scanning
    rotary table icon

    The data acquisition stage requires that you capture multiple scans of an object from all sides for full coverage. You don’t want the object to slide around the table while scanning. Any movements to the objects being scanned (and the turntable) during the 3D capture process will confuse the 3D scanner’s tracking and registration algorithms built into the 3D scanner. To help rotate the object with ease to get better quality scans, we like to use a manual turntable to rotate the object while scanning. It prevents the object from sliding or teetering while it is being scanned.

    Rotary table
    The rotary table we carry has a pattern that helps with scan alignment during the post-processing stage.
  5. Tip #5: Scan With A Textured Background
    camera texture icon

    In 3D scanning, texture refers to the color photographs captured alongside the 3D geometry.

    Using a textured background is beneficial for tracking and registration during the 3D scanning process. A background with unique geometry or texture can improve the accuracy of the scan by providing reference points for the 3D scanner to track and align the scan data.

    Photogrammetry stickers and color tape for geometry alignment
    Color tape and photogrammetry stickers increase the uniqueness of the background. You can scan multiple parts at the same time to speed up the 3D scanning process.

    Texture mapping is a complex topic, but it’s important to note that 2D images with text and color provide excellent background reference in the 3D scanning workflow. The same goes for unique 3D geometry in the background, it helps:

    • the 3D scanner track movement during data capture
    • the 3D scanning software align the scans into a 3D model during post-processing

    The background can be easily deleted during the post-processing stage.

    sticker pattern on poles for geometry alignment
    To provide unique geometry for taller objects, we use poles and put a sticker pattern at the top.
    Scanning window frame
    In this example, 3D scanning a symmetrical object like a window frame is made easier if we taped newspaper on the glass pane. Adding other three-dimensional objects to your scanning environment also helps your 3D scanner to better track and register the scene.
  6. Tip #6: Adjust Your 3D Scanning Software’s Settings to Match the Object
    software adjustment settings

    Using incorrect 3D scanner settings can result in poor scan quality. To ensure good scans from your 3D scanner, it’s crucial to adjust the exposure and brightness settings based on the object’s lightness or darkness. By using the appropriate settings, you can achieve the best possible scan results from your 3D scanner. Because each 3D scanner model is different, you should read the software manual for your 3D scanner for more information on the settings.

    If you own an Artec 3D scanner, you can download the latest software manuals on our support site.

    GoMeasure3D Support Website
    Our new technical support website has documentations and videos to help you get started on 3D scanning and troubleshoot any issues you have. You can always email us for help.
  7. Tip #7: Recalibrate Your 3D Scanner for Accuracy

    A 3D scanner with poor calibration can result in inaccurate scan data.


    What is Calibration?

    Calibrating the 3D scanner helps maintain measurement accuracy and repeatability. Depending on the device, calibration may be performed by the user or the 3D scanner comes factory calibrated. It is a crucial process that allows the optical measurement instrument to determine its position, rotation, and behavior relative to the object being scanned.

    Mishandling or improper transportation, such as jolts or accidental drops, can cause a 3D scanner to lose its calibration and produce subpar results.

    To ensure accurate and high-quality scan data, it is recommended to recalibrate your 3D scanner periodically. The frequency of recalibration may vary depending on usage, but it is typically recommended to do so a few times a year. If you need to recalibrate the scanner yourself, be sure to follow the procedures carefully. You can also contact your vendor for guidance on how to achieve the most accurate scan results from the calibration process.

    Artec calibrating graphic
    Artec calibration tool

    You can purchase calibration kits like this one for the Artec 3D scanning systems. Recalibrating your unit ensures you get the best accuracy out of your 3D scanner.

    Artec scanners do not typically require recalibration if handled carefully. Normal users should consider recalibrate their scanner a few times a year to keep them in tip top shape.

  8. Tip #8: Training
    3d scanning helmet

    The user’s level of expertise is often underestimated as a critical factor affecting 3D scan quality. Even with the best equipment, insufficient training will limit its potential. To get the best capabilities out of your 3D scanner, it is recommended that you seek advice and guidance from your vendor or from a professional with relevant expertise. They use the equipment on a regular basis and can provide you with the expertise and tips on how to use a 3D scanner to its maximum potential. If you prefer self-guided learning, you can access online training through manuals, videos, and guides. It is crucial to allocate adequate time for training before commencing your first 3D scanning project.

    At GoMeasure3D, we offer professional training to all customers who purchase a scanner from us.

    Contact us if you need additional Artec technical support and training services.



The ability to get good scans will improve with practice and experience. You can learn a lot from mistakes, which will train you to become a 3D scanning expert.

It’s also important to remember that aside from preparation, the quality of the scanner will affect the quality of the scan data it produces. For example, professional 3D scanners using high-quality components and 3D scanning software that have undergone extensive R&D will produce better scan data quality compared to consumer-grade scanners. To learn more about this topic, please read our previous blog post related to how different types of 3D scanners affect scan quality.

The post Tips on Getting Quality Scan Data From Your 3D Scanner appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

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How Do I Determine Which 3D Scanner Is Right For Me? Wed, 28 Sep 2022 06:07:21 +0000 Are you on the search for a 3D scanner for work and don’t know where to start? We have a list of questions to help you figure it out.

The post How Do I Determine Which 3D Scanner Is Right For Me? appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

3d scanning

Are you on the search for a professional 3D scanner for work and don’t know where to start? With so many options available, it can be quite an overwhelming experience.

There are several factors to consider in figuring out which 3D scanner is right for you.

But first things first: decide what you want to accomplish.

“If you don’t have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, it’s difficult to know—and get—what you need to produce the right results.”

— From the article, How To Ensure Your 3D Scanner Becomes A Return on Investment (ROI)?

The good news is that all the decisions you need to make are driven by your use case (your application and user requirements). Once you know that, it is relatively easy to find the one that’s right for you.

Book demo

Instantly Book A Web Demonstration

Let us show you how 3D scanning can transform the way you work.

We can answer any questions you have on the technology right on the spot. Currently available for bookings anywhere in the US.

  1. What Is Your Application?

    A 3D scanner is a device that outputs a digital replica (or a 3D model) of a physical object like this whitetail buck skull.

    3D scanning is also an efficient method for data collection and statistical analysis. That’s because the digital 3D coordinates (or surface measurement points) are collected from the scanner. This is especially useful for comparative studies. Researchers can compare the coordinates of this whitetail buck skull to other specimens to see how they relate or differentiate from one another.

    So, what do you plan to use the 3D model for?

    Is your purpose of using a 3D scanner to:
    (check the ones that apply to you)

    • visualize a physical object in 3D
    • reverse engineer an object for product design (Scan to CAD)
    • take accurate measurements of an object with confidence
    • study measurement changes over time
    • create customized products
    • inspect the quality of a part for defects
    • or, other innovative uses?

    Knowing this will help you come up with a checklist of requirements you can use to evaluate the 3D scanners you are considering.

  2. What Are Your User Requirements?

    What parameters do you need to work with? This chart lists the requirements that will help determine the technical specifications you need from a 3D scanner. Asking the right questions will help you narrow down your search.

    Project Requirements

    How true does the scanner’s measurement need to be relative to the real value of the object?

    Low Medium High

    How much detail do you need in a scan?

    Low Medium High
    Object Size
    Object Size

    What is the size of the objects you are looking to scan?

    Small Medium Large

    Do you need to travel frequently or scan in remote locations?

    No Sometimes Yes

    Do you need to capture the surface information in color?

    No Sometimes Yes

    Do you need the 3D scanner to scan by itself without human assistance?

    No Semi-Automatic Yes

    How much money do you want to spend?

    $$ $$$ $$$$

Contact us


You might already have preconceived notions of which 3D scanner you want, but taking the time to carefully assess what you need can help you come up with a list of criteria for the 3D scanner you actually need. This becomes the checklist you use to evaluate the 3D scanners you are considering to help you get the best 3D scanner that’s right for your needs.

The post How Do I Determine Which 3D Scanner Is Right For Me? appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Ultimate Resource Roundup: Everything You Need To Know About Scan to CAD Mon, 13 Jun 2022 22:48:09 +0000 Recently, we created new resources on the topic of reverse engineering. We thought now would be a good time to do a quick roundup of the most recent and most popular Scan to CAD resources available for anyone who is interested in this topic.

The post Ultimate Resource Roundup: Everything You Need To Know About Scan to CAD appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Scan to CAD

Recently, we created new resources on the topic of reverse engineering. We thought now would be a good time to do a quick roundup of the most recent and most popular Scan to CAD resources available for anyone who is interested in this topic.

Here’s a list of our latest and most popular Scan to CAD resources:

What is Scan to CAD?

Scan to CAD is the process of reverse engineering a physical part into a CAD model using 3D scanner data as reference for design.

The digital 3D model captured from a 3D scanner has all the 3D surface measurements you need to recreate the part into CAD. With this intel at your disposal, there’s no guesswork in the process because all the information is already there.

Using the Scan to CAD method of reverse engineering:

  • Reduces product development costs
  • Gets you more accurate CAD models
  • Speeds up your design time frame

If you don’t have the original CAD drawings for a part or want to design based on a physical object (this also applies to complementary products like a phone case), Scan to CAD is the quickest way to create CAD—especially for a complicated part.

Scan to CAD infographic
Steps to reverse engineering from Scan to CAD.

My thought process

Can a 3D scanner output into a CAD file?

graphic scan data to cad model
This is the one of the frequently asked questions we get regarding Scan to CAD applications.

We often get a variation of this question but basically the answer is no. In this article, we’ll give you a detailed explanation why this is the case, as well as how you go about accomplishing this goal of converting scan data to CAD.

Video and Article
Video Series + Article

A Detailed Guide to Reverse Engineering from Scan to CAD in SOLIDWORKS [With Videos]

Paul wants to prevent you from the pitfalls he encountered through his experience of reverse engineering from Scan to CAD. Read his article to learn the best way to approach any Scan to CAD projects.

Our COO, Paul Motley, did an extensive YouTube video series and a detailed guide to reverse engineering 3D scanner data into parametric CAD inside SOLIDWORKS.

In this 5 part video series, Paul shows you his thought process behind reverse engineering a mechanical part assembly (an oil pump) with multiple components. He explains the step-by-step process of using a 3D scanner, exporting the scanned data of each component into STL file format, and importing it into SOLIDWORKS as a visual reference for design. Paul also shows how to put the CAD components back into an assembly.

Here’s a preview of the video series.

He also wrote an accompanying article further explaining his thought processes and takeaways:

My thought process

3 Affordable Scan to CAD Tools Not Just For CAD Specialists

Reddit discussion screenshot

This article was inspired by a Reddit question in finding alternatives to using Geomagic software if you simply don’t have the budget. This is an extensive article that provides affordable alternatives with video demonstrations. We originally wrote it back in 2019 but we recently updated the article.


Reverse Engineering A Scanned Part in Autodesk Fusion 360 (STL to CAD)

Can you do Scan to CAD inside Fusion 360?

The answer is yes! There’s a lot of interest in Fusion 360 because it’s a low-cost CAD modeling software. As a bonus, you can do reverse engineering inside Fusion 360.

In this video, we’ll show you how to do that using a STL mesh of a mechanical part to guide our new design inside Fusion 360.
Youtube question
We got this question from our YouTube video on whether there is a direct path from object to CAD.

Fusion360 has automated features to convert mesh to CAD. You can see it from these videos:

This workflow works particularly well if you have an STL file downloaded from websites like Thingverse and you want to make your own modifications to the design and then 3D print the model.

This article provides a pretty good explanation here:
Photo source: Lucas Carolo via All3DP

However, if you are converting stl from a 3D scanner to CAD in Fusion360, the best way to do it is to sketch the part using scan data as a reference as we demonstrated in our video.

Video and Article
Webinar + Article

Virtual Happy Hour Workshop: Reverse Engineering from Scan to CAD

3D Scanning
This was a virtual interactive Scan to CAD workshop. You can watch the recorded session.

In our Happy Hour Workshop, Paul demonstrates how he repaired an engine mount on a boat generator using Scan to CAD to reverse engineer the damaged part.

A preview of what he would cover in the session.

In this workshop, attendees also had the chance to ask any questions they had about Scan to CAD.

Questions covered in this workshop:

  • How can I make the process of reverse engineering from Scan to CAD faster and simpler?
  • Do I need dedicated 3D reverse engineering software?
  • How does reverse engineering using Artec Studio 3D scanning software compare to using dedicated Scan to CAD software?
  • How do you do reverse engineering with Fusion 360?
  • What are the major differences between SOLIDWORKS and Rhino?
  • Which 3D scanner is the best for starting out reverse engineering from Scan to CAD?

If you don’t have the time to watch the Happy Hour Workshop in its entirety, we wrote an article on the takeaways from that session.

Contact us

Got Questions About Scan to CAD?

We hope these resources will be helpful to you as you start your own Scan to CAD projects or learn about the best practices. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re always here to help!

The post Ultimate Resource Roundup: Everything You Need To Know About Scan to CAD appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

How to Scan Dark, Shiny, or Clear Surfaces with a 3D Scanner [With Video Demo] Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:00:22 +0000 While 3D scanners scan most objects without a hitch, there are surfaces that are more challenging to scan. Here are some tips on how to scan difficult parts.

The post How to Scan Dark, Shiny, or Clear Surfaces with a 3D Scanner [With Video Demo] appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Originally published on: July 27, 2017

scanning challenging surfaces

While 3D scanners can scan most objects without a hitch, there are some surfaces that are more challenging to scan. These types of surfaces include dark, shiny, and transparent surfaces.

Why are these surfaces difficult to scan?

It’s due to how the 3D scanner interacts with these types of surfaces that causes a less than ideal scanning condition.

Ideal Condition for 3D Scanning

Optical light-based 3D scanners (i.e. laser, structured-light) use light as a projection source. Using a structured-light 3D scanner as an example, the system casts a series of patterns onto the object using the projection source. The pattern deforms as it hits the surface of the object. The scanner’s cameras capture images of these distorted patterns and use software’s algorithms to calculate the distance from the scanner to the object’s surface.

3D Scanner triangulation
Pattern Deformation

This is how the scanner derives 3D measurements in the form of point clouds. A point cloud is essentially a cluster of 3D coordinates (x, y, z) in space of an object’s surface. If you have millions of these points, you will produce a digital replica of the object.

Physical Part

Real-world object for 3D scanning

Point Cloud

Digital 3D coordinates collected from the scanner to form the shape of the object

Digital 3D Model

A three-dimensional representation of the object after post-processing (View it in 3D)

Why Do Dark, Shiny, or Clear Surfaces Interfere with the 3D Scanning Process?

While 3D scanners are great at capturing most surfaces, some types of surfaces cause the light to be distorted in such a way that it interferes with the data acquisition process. They affect how the 3D scanner views the object and consequently affect how it takes the images.

When scanning these challenging surfaces, it causes the following interference:

Surface Type
What happens to the light? The surface absorbs the light Light scatters and bounces in uncontrollable directions The light goes right through the surface
Examples Black or dark parts Metals such as chrome or steel, jewelry, mirrored surfaces, any reflective parts Transparent surfaces such as glass or clear plastic

Tips for Overcoming the Challenge

  1. Adjust your 3D scanner’s settings

    Some 3D scanners are pretty good at adapting to surface variations. Before you try other methods, see if your 3D scanner’s settings can be adjusted to scanning dark, shiny, or transparent parts.

    Each scanner will be different but usually adjusting the exposure settings helps to compensate for the object’s surface characteristics to create a better condition for scanning.

    Example: Artec 3D Scanners
    Source: Artec article, 3D scanning horror stories! Scan by Second Chance Games & Visual Effects

    Using the Artec 3D scanner as an example, taking simple actions such as increasing the scanner’s sensitivity and slightly decreasing the brightness helped with scanning this black robe.

    To increase the 3D scanner’s sensitivity settings:

  2. Adjusting The Scanner’s Position In Relation To the Object

    Sometimes doing slight adjustments in the way you scan an object can have a big impact on your results. When scanning shiny surfaces, scan at a slight angle and distance. Light then diffuses instead of bouncing directly back into the 3D scanner which is the source of the problem.

    Normal Situations
    Scanning perpendicular/directly

    In normal conditions, you would position the 3D scanner perpendicular to the object to get the best scans.

    3D Scanning Shiny Parts
    Scanning angled

    For 3D scanning shiny objects, you would sweep around the object at a slight angle. You should experiment and see what is the best position for different types of surfaces.

    Technological Advancements

    3D scanners are getting better and better at 3D scanning challenging surfaces as technology becomes more sophisticated over time. With the Artec Leo, we scanned the tailgate of a black truck outdoors without any issues.

    We can capture even metal parts using the Artec Space Spider without any special treatment.

    However, if you want to scan holes or tight corners with better and cleaner scan results (as light bounces around these features) or if you have an extremely shiny part to scan, we would recommend using a developer spray to prepare the part to get the best results (which is discussed further in the next section).

  3. Prepare the Part Using a 3D Scanning Spray
    using 3D scanning spray

    There are some extreme cases (especially clear surfaces) when your 3D scanner is unable to scan properly even when you have the most ideal scanner settings. In those cases, you will need to spray the part with a matte opaque coating to cover the surface. The challenging surface is covered so it doesn’t cause issues during scanning and it creates the ideal 3D scanning surface.

    As you can see from the example of 3D scanning a motorcycle helmet, using a developer spray (also known as 3D scanning spray) drastically improves results.

    Helmet spray with and without comparison

    At our lab, we currently use AESUB 3D scanning spray to coat parts for 3D scanning specifically developed by 3D scanning experts. It’s simple, effective, and easy to use. Health is important to us. AESUB 3D scanning sprays are less toxic compared to similar sprays in the market. All our AESUB products are free of harmful titanium dioxide. AESUB Blue is free of pigments while AESUB White is pigment-based but is FREE of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2).

    See How It Works

    There are two types of 3D scanning sprays. They both are powdered aerosol spray that coats a very thin film but the vanishing spray is more convenient because there’s no messy cleanup. Actually, there’s no cleanup at all.

    How Does Using 3D Scanning Spray Impact Scan Accuracy?

    You don’t have to worry about adding too many layers to the part as that can cause distortion to the accuracy of the 3D scans, especially when you are using the scan data for inspection or reverse engineering applications. We did an analysis of adding a 3D scanning spray coating and we did a video to report the results.

    quick tip icon
    Tips when using the spray:
    • Spray on an even, thin, uniform layer throughout the part. If you have a heavy thick coating it will influence the accuracy of the 3D scans.
    • To minimize the particles in indoor space, you can spray the part in a spray booth or outdoors.

    Video Demonstration

    To summarize, here is a video where Tom explains the step-by-step process of scanning challenging surfaces using a metal part (shiny surface), a mouse (black surface), and a glass bottle (clear surface).

Want to Learn More on Overcoming 3D Scanning Challenges?

Tips and Tricks on Overcoming 3D Scanning Challenges
View our recorded webinar to learn:
  • What’s the best approach to scanning featureless objects (ie. cylinders/symmetrical parts)?
  • How can I scan many objects within a short time frame?
  • How can I get great scan results when 3D scanning dark, shiny, or clear surfaces?
  • How do I scan objects with holes/cavities?
View the webinar by filling the form below:

* These fields are required.

Vanishing 3D Scanning Spray →

The post How to Scan Dark, Shiny, or Clear Surfaces with a 3D Scanner [With Video Demo] appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Evaluating the Accuracy of a 3D Printed Part Against the CAD Model Mon, 20 Aug 2018 15:00:53 +0000 How do you gauge the performance of a 3D printer? We'll show you by performing an accuracy test using a 3D scanner. See how to tweak printer settings to improve accuracy.

The post Evaluating the Accuracy of a 3D Printed Part Against the CAD Model appeared first on GoMeasure3D.


This article shows how to gauge the performance of a 3D printer by evaluating its 3D printed part.

3D scanning technology empowers us to capture accurate surface measurements of a given part to perform the analysis. The scanned part can then be checked for measurement deviations from the original CAD file with computer-aided inspection software.

No 3D printer can print to the perfect specifications of a CAD model, the design blueprint of the part. In reality, every physically manufactured part, including 3D printed ones, will have slight variations from the CAD model.

Variations to the CAD model are also affected by the type of 3D filaments you use. You will have to accept some level of deviation and determine what type of tolerance you are comfortable with.

Steps for Evaluation

  1. Print desired part from CAD file on a 3D printer
  2. Scan printed part using a 3D scanner to acquire point cloud data about its surface geometry
  3. Use a deviation tool such as an inspection software to directly compare the scan file and the CAD file

3D Printing

Axiom 3d printed part

A filament tester plate was used as the demonstration part for this project. It is a 2 inch tall hexagon with various features that are challenging for 3D printers. If the printer fails in one area of the test part it should be visibly obvious and can quickly demonstrate what needs to be improved the next time. It is important to be able to accurately analyze the dimensions of this part in order to understand the printer behavior.

The material used for a filament is a woodfill PLA composite from ColorFabb. It has 20% wood shavings mixed into the plastic that provide an aesthetically pleasing look that can be stained and finished like regular wood. We chose this filament because it’s more challenging to work with. This filament prints like regular PLA with a little extra fine tuning.

Axiom Dual 3d printer
Airwolf Axiom Dual 3D printer

The printer used in this project was an Airwolf Axiom Dual with a bowden tube drive. Airwolf provides a flavor of Cura 3D printing software that has tailored preferences for each filament type. In our lab, we use Apex instead of any other slicing software in order to maintain consistency with the printer brand. Once the part was configured in Apex, the 3D printer took about a half an hour to print the part.

3D Scanning

3d scanning 3d printed part

Once the part is printed, we scanned the part in order to capture its surface measurements for evaluation. The part was scanned using the HDI Advance 3D scanning system. This setup captured accurate information about the printed part in very high detail. Using the 35mm lenses, we were able to get 14 microns of accuracy across the scanning volume.

Flexscan3D 3D scanning software that comes with the 3D scanner collected the points of information and constructed a physical representation of the 3D printed part. The file was exported to .stl file format to be used in the inspection software for comparison.

Comparing 3D Printed Part to CAD File

3d printed part in cad and scan model

Geomagic Control X 3D inspection software allows for deep analysis of physical objects when scanned into 3D digital form. In this project, we imported both the original CAD file as well as the .stl scan file into the software in order to compare the two. The left photo is the original CAD file (the design blueprint of the part) from SOLIDWORKS and the image on the right is the scan file we acquired from the 3D scanner (scanned 3D printed part).

3D deviation map

Once aligned in the same orientation, these 3D objects can be directly compared to each other for discrepancy in terms of surface area and volume. A 3D comparison tool in Geomagic Control X gives a color map of the measurement differences between the two. Red and orange colors indicate where the printer extruded too much plastic and anywhere that’s blue indicates too little.

In general it seems the part may be a bit over extruded. While at the same time, side-to-side there was an average shrinkage of 0.04%. In the future we could potentially turn down the extrusion rate to perhaps 95% as well as scaling up the print size by 0.05% in order to get a more dimensionally accurate part.

Running the Test Again

Updated 3D deviation map

The same tester plate was reprinted with a scaling factor to compensate for the shrinkage observed and a reduced extrusion rate to see if this analysis provided positive change in print quality. The scanning and evaluating process outlined above was repeated.

The results show most of the heat map is green, which indicates that the part is very close to the actual measurements in the original CAD file. Edge to edge the shrinkage was almost totally eliminated.

Takeaway from the Test Results

The results are promising when it comes to tailoring printer settings to the 3D printing filament you are using. This process can be repeated with any 3D printed shape.

Overall, the amount of shrinkage observed for woodfill PLA from ColorFabb has a 0.04% decrease in volume size. We suggest that if you want to print with this material, try scaling the part by 1.004 for more accurate and precise prints for the best print quality.

The post Evaluating the Accuracy of a 3D Printed Part Against the CAD Model appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Understanding 3D Scanners: Field of View Explained and How It Impacts Scan Quality Thu, 26 Jul 2018 15:00:17 +0000 We answer common questions on field of view, how it affects scan quality, and the difference between a fixed versus flexible field of view 3D scanner.

The post Understanding 3D Scanners: Field of View Explained and How It Impacts Scan Quality appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

What is the field of view for a 3D scanner?

Field of view is the observable area that a 3D scanner can capture a 3D scan from a certain distance. It is similar to how our eyes are limited to seeing a portion of the scene at one time.

The field of view of scanner

The scanner’s camera (or cameras) determine(s) the field of view. A 3D scanner that uses two cameras produces more reliable and accurate 3D measurements compared to a 3D scanner that uses only one camera.

A 3D scanner can capture a scan of what it can see at one time. In this example, the HDI Advance uses two cameras to take a single scan of one side of the shoe.
Creating a complete digital 3D model involves taking scans from all sides of the object and merging them together to create a full 3D model.

A 3D scanner has a specified field of view size (also known as scanning volume). To get the best scanning results, you should use a 3D scanner with the scanning volume size that is best suited for the size of the object you are scanning.

Field of View

Field of view diagram
This diagram illustrates the field of view of a 3D scanner. The center depth of focus is where the scan object should be placed in order to get optimal results to get the best focus and accuracy. The Z-Near is the starting point of the scanning volume. The Z-Far is the furthest distance that the scanner can scan.
Artec field of view

Artec Space Spider

Smaller Field of View

(170 – 350 mm)

Artec small field of view

Artec Eva

Larger Field of View

(400 – 1000 mm)

Artec large field of view
Using the Artec 3D scanners as an example, the Artec Space Spider has a small to medium field of view compared to an Artec Eva. This means that the Artec Space Spider is a better scanner for scanning smaller objects, while the Artec Eva is better suited for scanning medium to large objects.

What happens when I use a 3D scanner with a small field of view to scan a large object?

When you scan a large object with a 3D scanner that is optimized for scanning small objects, you would have to take more scans to create a full digital 3D model than one with a larger field of view. This can become a very labor intensive and time-consuming process. More time would be required to clean up the individual scans as well as merging of all the individual scans into a full 3D model.

The example below illustrates the difference between using a smaller field of view scanner versus a larger one for the same scanning object.

Multiple fields of view

Picking the right field of view is about finding the right balance between having enough detail and accuracy for the objects you are looking to scan, while providing decent amount of coverage so you don’t have to take too many scans for the object you are scanning.

What happens when I use a 3D scanner with a large field of view to scan an extremely small object?

If you are scanning an extremely small object with intricate details and texture information, using a 3D scanner with a large field of view will lose much of the fine geometry details and scan accuracy will not be the best.

Ring scanned using a macro scanner that is optimized to scan small objects. View it in 3D.

If you are scanning small objects, we would strongly advise using a macro 3D scanner that is designed specifically for scanning small objects.

Macro scanner scan sample
The HDI Macro 3D scanner was used to scan a small insect that is approximately 0.5 inches in size to capture the fine details of the specimen.

What’s the difference between a 3D scanner that has a flexible field of view compared to ones with a fixed field of view?

Fixed 3D Scanner = One Field of View

Most 3D scanners have fixed field of view which means that the scanner has one specific field of view that cannot be changed. A 3D scanner with a fixed field of view is ideal for users who want to scan objects similar roughly in size.

Metron E 3D scanner with fixed field of view
Metron E 3D Scanner – Example of Fixed Field of View Scanner

The advantages of fixed field of view scanners are that they are typically calibrated by the manufacturer (pre-calibrated for accuracy) so you can get started 3D scanning faster once you receive the scanner. Just take it out of the box, install the 3D scanning software, and you are ready to start scanning.

HDI Advance 3D Scanner – Example of Flexible Field of View 3D Scanner

3D scanners with a flexible field of view are capable of adjusting the camera position of the scanner to create multiple fields of view (at different times).

One 3D Scanner = Different Fields of View
All HDI Advance 3D Scanners
Have a Flexible Field of View
Field of View (FOV)

Observable area that a 3D scanner can capture a 3D scan at a certain distance.

Smaller Field of View

Scan smaller objects using inner camera slots

Wider Field of View

Scan larger objects using outer camera slots

These types of 3D scanners will have the ability to move the cameras in different positions to create different fields of view. Using the HDI Advance as an example, the scanner can create three different fields of view by moving the cameras into different preset camera positions.

The HDI Advance R3x has three diagonal field of views to choose from:

  1. 200mm
  2. 400mm
  3. 600mm

This gives users the flexibility to scan objects of different sizes while retaining scan quality—all in one 3D scanner. You will have to get different lenses to capture the best quality scans for each field of view but it’s comparably less expensive than getting three scanners to scan three different field of views.

A 3D scanner with a flexible field of view is great for those who want flexibility in a scanner with the ability to scan objects of different sizes.

There are many advantages to a 3D scanner with a flexible field of view, why wouldn’t I just get that instead of getting a fixed field of view 3D scanner?

There is no one solution that is suitable for all applications. It really depends on what you need. One scanner might be better suited for you because of your requirements.

3D scanners with a fixed field of view:
  • Can be less expensive than a flexible field of view scanner if budget is a concern.
  • Are great for 3D scanning novices. Flexible field of view scanners are performance scanners that require more training to learn how to get the best scans compared to using a fixed field of view scanner.
  • Can be pre-calibrated so it doesn’t require calibration every time you change the field of view.
Side-by-Side Comparison of Each Type of System:
Field of View Fixed Flexible
Example Metron E 3D Scanner HDI Advance 3D Scanner
System Standard Performance
Calibration Pre-calibrated User calibrates the scanner every time the scanning volume changes
Ideal for people Who just started 3D scanning With middle to advanced 3D scanning skills
  • Easy to use
  • Plug and play
  • Professional entry-level systems that are affordable (i.e. Metron E)
  • One system has multiple fields of view to scan objects of different sizes
  • Pushes the limits of 3D scanning, in terms of performance

Got questions on field of view you would like to ask? Please tell us in the comments section.
Metron E
Affordable 3D Scanner: Meet Metron E →

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Common Questions on Portable CMMs Tue, 07 Nov 2017 07:36:26 +0000 We'll answer basic questions related to portable CMMs, including how they work and what applications are most suitable for using this measurement device.

The post Common Questions on Portable CMMs appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Kreon portable CMM
  1. How does a Portable CMM work?

    Portable CMM is a device for collecting measurements off the surface geometry of an object. When we’re talking about portable CMMs usually what comes to mind is the type that uses a measuring arm, also called an articulating arm.

    Each time you touch the surface of an object with the probe it collects one measurement point, or a 3D coordinate (XYZ). It’s considered a contact measurement system because the device needs to touch the scan target in order to obtain a measurement.

  2. Why do I need one?
    Quality Inspection

    Portable CMM is a trusted measurement tool to help reduce product defects in the manufacturing process in order to maintain strict quality standards.

    Hand tools such as calipers and micrometers are restricted to taking simple measurements for basic parts such as distance from point A to B. Portable CMMs, on the other hand, are a flexible measurement tool that provides more information than these types of tools. They make the quality control process much more efficient while obtaining better accuracy.

    Portable CMMs enable computer-aided inspection of manufactured parts by taking certain measurements and comparing it to a golden standard, the CAD model, to determine if the part meets quality standards.

    Product Development

    Portable CMMs are used in reverse engineering applications to help speed up the product development process. Instead of designing from a blank slate, 3D scanning captures the design intent of complex geometry that is hard to measure in any other way. This information is then used as a basis for design.

    Reverse engineering using a portable CMM is great for:

    • Building components that integrate perfectly with existing products
    • Repairing worn or broken parts
    • Creating models from parts with non-existing CAD
    • Using existing scan data to improve the design of an existing product

    Here is a video demonstration on how to reverse engineer a throttle body with a portable CMM using Point2CAD reverse engineering add-in for SOLIDWORKS:

    Landmark Studies

    Portable CMMs are a flexible solution that is proven valuable in academic research. Their ability to collect 3D measurements easily provide an efficient method for data collection and statistical analysis.

    Claire Terhune, an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas, has been using the MicroScribe portable CMM for more than 10 years, particularly for landmark studies using 3D geometric morphometric techniques. Geometric morphometrics is a comparative study of complex biological structures by referencing a set of common anatomical landmark points (digital 3D coordinates) across different specimens.

    “The MicroScribe 3D digitizer is a portable solution I can easily take with me on my travels. I can quickly set it up at the museum I’m visiting and capture the X,Y, Z landmarks (3D geometric morphometric data) I need just by touching the skull with the articulating arm,” says Terhune.

    With the data collected, she compares these coordinates across different specimens to see how they relate to or differ from one another.

    You can learn more about how she uses the equipment for her research in the case study Advancing Anthropological Research with 3D Scanning

  3. What are the advantages of using portable CMM compared to traditional CMM?
    Fixed vs Portable CMM
    Traditional1 (fixed) CMMs versus portable CMMs

    Traditional coordinate measurement machines (CMMs) are known to be highly accurate, but they are big, fixed, and need to be used in a controlled environment. They are programmable to take certain measurements repeatedly. Prices can range from about $30,000 to $1 million2 which can be an expensive investment.

    While traditional CMMs are very accurate for taking measurements, they aren’t as flexible when you want a portable, less expensive solution.

    Portable CMMs do just that.

    Compared to traditional CMMs, they are:

    • Less expensive: You can get one for about $10,000.
    • Portable: You can bring a portable CMM to the production line or shop floor due to its light weight (not restricted to a controlled environment).
    • Flexible: Ability to take 3D measurements from different types of parts. Traditional CMMs are also strictly used for quality inspection, whereas portable CMMs can be used for other applications including reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, and scientific studies.
    • Easier to operate: Operator has more control of the machine but requires manual operation.
  4. What are the differences between a portable CMMs and 3D scanners (such as laser or structured-light)?

    Although they both do the same thing (digitize objects), they are useful in their own ways. If you need to capture a few quick measurements, a portable CMM is good because it does the job fast. Simply by touching the object, you can get the measurement points you need. Whereas, a 3D scanner takes a snapshot of the object, which captures more data points (one scan contains over a million 3D measurement points taken in about one second). If you need just a few measurements, a 3D scanner can be an overkill and more time-consuming to do it that way and it would be best to use a portable CMM instead.

    3D scanners are a non-contact measurement tool, whereas a portable CMM requires a touch probe that gets in contact with the object in order to take a measurement. Sometimes, when the object cannot be touched because it’s fragile, it’s best to use a 3D scanner.

    organic shape
    prismatic shape
    3D scanners are great for capturing 3D measurements of complex, organic shape (left) while a portable CMM is fast at capturing 3D measurements of objects with prismatic shape with straight edges or lines (right).

    Each device has its own strengths for scanning certain types of objects. It’s best to know the objects’ features you are planning to scan to determine which device would work best for your application. Portable CMMs are effective for scanning objects that have hard edges such as sheet metals, as well as dark, shiny, or reflective parts without part preparation as well as holes and undercuts. However, using contact measurement devices to measure parts with complex organic shapes can be a challenge. 3D scanners are great at measuring extremely complex surfaces and organic shapes in addition to mechanical parts.

    To learn more about the differences of using a portable CMM versus a 3D scanner for reverse engineering applications, please read the article, Examining the Reverse Engineering Workflow from 3D Scan to CAD.

  5. What do I need to consider when buying a portable CMM?

    There are various brands and models of portable CMMs out in the market with different specifications. You should ask yourself three main questions during your evaluation process to see which one is right for you.

    1. How accurately do you need to measure your part?

      Get a system where you are comfortable with the accuracy you are looking for. Knowing your accuracy requirement is important because you don’t want to overspend on getting higher accuracy than you need. Portable CMMs with high accuracy tend to cost more.

    2. What are you measuring?

      Portable CMMs are classified by its working volume, from 2 feet to 18 feet. Be sure to select a portable CMM that will be able to scan the size of your part.

      Understanding the complexity of the part and whether the device is able to scan your object ensures your equipment investment pays off post-purchase. If you have any questions or would like to get a sample scan done, ask your solutions provider and they would be able to help you figure it out.

    3. What are you trying to achieve?

      Are you using it for inspection or reverse engineering applications? Portable CMMs come with host software that controls the scanner to acquire 3D scan data. Depending on the manufacturer, some devices even come with application specific software (ie. metrology software) so you don’t need to get additional software.

      There are third party softwares that help you take the acquired scan data for use in specific applications. Knowing what you want to do with the data will help determine what additional software you need.

  6. What are the different types of probe tips and what are their uses?

    Probes can come in many shapes and sizes. Different probe tips are meant to help measure certain types of objects. Small point probes measure and give access to tight locations while larger probes can be used to average out surface deviation such as castings.

    For example, a 1/8″ ball tip probe would be used to get inside of a small pocket for measurement. A 1/2″ ball tip probe would be used to measure rough cast parts to average the surface texture. A point probe would be used in software that does not have probe compensation.

    one eighth ball tip
    ⅛” ball tip
    half inch ball tip
    ½” ball tip
    point tip
    point tip
  7. Does a portable CMM need to be re-certified all the time?

    No, not unless you are having problems in terms of getting optimal accuracy numbers from your portable CMM. However, if your company maintains ISO standards to uphold the highest quality standards it is best to have it re-certified annually for best performance. Depending on the device or model, you might need to ship it back to the manufacturer for certification or you might be able to do it yourself. Ask your solutions provider before purchasing if this is an important factor for you.

Do you have any questions about portable CMMs? Please let us know in the comments section.

– – –

  1. Photo source: Traditional CMM, from Wikipedia
  2. 3 Tips for Choosing the Best Coordinate Measuring Machine for Your Quality Process

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Automating the 3D Scanning Process and Why You Need It Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:00:41 +0000 Explaining the different ways to automate the 3D scanning process, versus doing it manually, and the applications most suitable for each method.

The post Automating the 3D Scanning Process and Why You Need It appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

When you’re looking to purchase a 3D scanner, one of the options you should consider is to see if you want to automate the 3D scanning process. This way, much of the work doesn’t need to be done manually.

Normally, when you are using a 3D scanner to capture a physical object into digital form on the computer, you need to first capture individual 3D scans of all sides of the object. Then you need to post-process the scan data. This includes clean up by eliminating any outlying scan data points and noises, as well as aligning and merging the individual scans together.

The process is similar to sewing, where individual scans need to be stitched together in order to make a complete digital 3D model of the object.

3D Scanning Process:

dental scanning
Data Acquisition

The 3D scanner collects 3D measurements of physical objects.

processing scan data

Cleanup, align, and merge individual scans together inside the software.

Final Model

The final output is a complete digital 3D model.

Why automate 3D scanning?

Automating 3D scanning is a time saver.

If you automate the 3D scanning process, it takes a fraction of the time to have the finished output than if you did it manually. One of the main benefits to automation is that it minimizes much of the tedious work of performing the scanning procedures by hand, especially if you have many objects to scan. Sometimes doing repetitive work can get boring.

Automation makes 3D scanning much easier.

You just need to press a few buttons and the steps in the workflow are automated. The best thing is that you don’t need a lot to training since it doesn’t require as much manpower. Some methods of automation can even fully automate the entire process. It’s simple to operate once it’s setup.

Automating 3D scanning saves money.

Much of the manpower is automated so you can work on other important tasks or you don’t need allocate as much human resources to operate the system. You might pay more now but you will see cost savingss over the long run.

What are the different ways to automate 3D scanning?

  1. Accessorize with a motorized rotary table

    Desktop rotary tables are the most popular for scanning small to medium sized parts.

    When a rotary table accessory is used in conjunction with a scanner, it revolves the stationary object so the user doesn’t need to spin the object. The rotary table stops at predetermined intervals. Then the scanner is triggered to take one scan of the object at a certain angle each time. This continues until all scans are captured. Alignment and merging of individual scans are also automated so the final output you get is a completed digitized version of the physical object.

    The following video demonstrates the process of using a rotary table for 3D scanning:

    Using a rotary table is ideal when you are scanning similar types of objects in volume to save time. In terms of time savings, a 30 minute scan job can be accomplished in about 2 minutes using a rotary table.

    Some of the applications that are great for using the rotary table include:


    Online shopping is becoming increasingly important as consumers prefer to shop this way. Product display entices consumers to buy. Using a 3D scanner, you can convert physical objects into digital form to display products online in 360 degrees.

    3D Scanning Artifacts and Fossils

    For archeological digs and research expeditions, especially in remote locations, there is a tremendous amount of items to scan in a short period of time.

    Scanning hyena skull
    3D scan of hyena skull

    Clare Terhune, assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arkansas, uses her 3D scanner with a rotary table when she’s traveling on expeditions. Using a rotary table can greatly speed up the scanning process.

    You can learn more about how Claire uses 3D scanning to further her research in the case study: Advancing Anthropological Research with 3D Scanning

  2. Using Multiple Scan Heads

    Another way of automating 3D scanning is to use multiple capturing units, or scan heads, using one computer to power them all. The principle behind this method of automating 3D scanning is to: 1) trigger a series of scanners to create a large field of view pretty quickly 2) capture all angles of the object at one time without moving the scanner or the object.

    You can invest in a high-end scanners that can take an entire field of view of the object, or you can use an array of scanners to accomplish the same thing — at a much reduced cost.

    This is especially useful for scanning large objects (sculptures, large mechanical parts like a door panel, or even scanning people when you want to capture the face and body all at one time) and to do alignment and merging of scans automatically.

    Here is a video that explains the process:

  3. Robotic Scanning

    Automating the 3D scanning process using a robotic arm provides a standardized routine that offers consistent results. When multiple people are doing the scanning, especially for applications that require a high level of accuracy and consistency, it can be prone to measurement variations. Everyone scans in a slightly different way, even if the procedures are standardized. Robotic scanning minimizes human error. Additional benefits to this method of automation helps save time and reduces costs.

    Manufacturing quality products is a reflection of a company’s reputation. Robotic scanning is typically used in factory automation where high repeatability and accuracy of measurements are a must. Robotic arms can be programmed to move parts over and over again in a certain way with exact precision.

    The computer can be programmed to take scans of the manufactured part and compare it to the CAD file to check for product defects. If the deviation of the measurement is outside the accepted tolerance, the part is rejected. Using specialized 3D inspection software, you also generate comprehensive inspection reports for further analysis.

    Here is a video demonstration of a fully automated robotic 3D inspection cell in an automotive manufacturing facility:

  4. Create a custom 3D scanner for dedicated applications

    With a specialized scanner, you can customize the system exactly to your needs in terms of how it captures the 3D scan data, how the data is processed, and how the results are displayed.

    For medical practitioners, such as a podiatrist, they need to prescribe custom orthotics to many of their patients on a daily basis. The traditional method involves creating a physical cast of the patient’s feet and shipping them to the orthotics manufacturer, which can be a labor intensive process.

    3D scanning provides a fast and effective way to capture 3D measurements of their patient’s feet. A dedicated 3D foot scanner provides the technology to scan the patient’s foot in seconds to create a digital reproduction in the form of a 3D model. Once the foot has been scanned, the attending practitioner uses a custom user interface to view the foot scan in a number of desired casting positions, enter the corresponding orthotic prescription, and instantly send the file electronically to the manufacturing facility for production.

    custom 3d foot scanner

    This process allows for reduced in office casting supplies, and outgoing freight charges, combined with faster turnaround times.

    Creating a dedicated scanner does require a large investment. All the hardware components of the rig and software need to be customized for a particular application. It’s worth it if you want to implement a number of scanners in volume across various locations to maximize operating efficiency.

Which option is right for me?

There are benefits to each of the methods of automating the 3D scanning process.

This diagram quickly summarizes the benefits of each method to help you select the best option based on your needs and budget:

Method Cost Automation Best for:
Motorized Rotary Table $ Partial automation: Someone needs to put the part on the rotary table
  • Scanning similar objects in volume
  • Small to medium sized objects
Scanning in an Array $$ Partial automation: Someone needs to put the part in position for scanning
  • Use one computer to control a series of scan heads
  • Scan large objects fast by creating a wider field of view
Robotic Scanning $$$$ Full automation
  • Require high accuracy and repeatability in scan results
  • Ideal for quality inspection applications
Customized Scanner $$-$$$$ Partial or Full automation
  • Scanning in volume of the same object to help with efficiency
  • Dedicated scanner tasked for a specific purpose, exactly to your needs
  • Great for replicating the scanner in volume for use in different locations

Got more questions about automated 3D scanning? Please use the comment section.

The post Automating the 3D Scanning Process and Why You Need It appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

]]> How Structured-Light 3D Scanners Work (With Video Demonstrations) Tue, 30 May 2017 15:00:39 +0000 3D scanners might look like complex technology. Here we'll explore the mechanics of how a structured-light 3D scanner works.

The post How Structured-Light 3D Scanners Work (With Video Demonstrations) appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

3D scanners might look like complex technology. But if you think about it, they’re pretty much devices that create digital replicas of physical objects with three-dimensional qualities, or the addition of depth information. It’s similar to using cameras to take photos of the real world into 2D images.

  Output Dimensions

Takes photos of the real world in 2D

XYZ coordinates
3D Scanner

Takes 3D scans of real world objects in 3D

3D Digital Model
XYZ coordinates
Physical Object
3D Digital Model
A 3D scanner transforms an object from the physical world (left) to 3D digital form (right).

Components of a Structured Light 3D Scanner

A structured-light 3D scanner is a type of 3D scanner that uses the following components to capture 3D scans:

  1. Hardware: The capturing unit is the physical part of the scanner that consists of a projection light source (white light, blue LED light) and typically 1 or 2 camera(s)
  2. Software: 3D scanning software that powers the scanner. The software acts as the control center that runs the entire operation, from capturing 3D data from the physical object to cleaning up the output, the 3D model. The model contains valuable information such as measurements, surface characteristics, and geometry information about the physical object. They are useful for applications such as reverse engineering, product inspection, computer graphics for creating CGI in gaming and movies, or 3D visualization for the purpose of viewing.

The Mechanics of Structured-Light 3D Scanning

To begin the scanning process, the capturing unit projects a series of reference patterns onto the part’s surface.

Here is a graphical representation of what’s happening inside a structured-light 3D scanner:

Structured light 3D scanner diagram
  1. The light source projects a series of patterns onto the object, usually in the form of multiple parallel beams.
  2. The patterns become distorted when projected onto the object’s surface. The scanner captures these images using the cameras.
  3. The cameras relay the images back to the 3D scanning software. It uses these images and the software’s algorithms, using the method of triangulation, to calculate the object’s depth and surface information. The final output from the 3D scanner is a digital 3D representation on the computer in the form of a 3D scan.

A structured-light 3D scanner can only take 3D images of what the cameras can see. Therefore, in order to create a digital model of the entire object, scans have to be taken at multiple angles. The scans are then cleaned up, merged, and stitched together (known as post-processing) in order to create a complete digital model.

Video Demonstrations

Structured-light 3D scanners can come in the form of a stationary 3D scanner or handheld 3D scanner.

How Structured-Light Stationary 3D Scanners Work

Stationary 3D scanners require the capturing unit to be mounted on a stable surface. If you want to speed up the scanning process, an automated rotary turntable can be added to automate the 3D scanning process so the user doesn’t have to manually turn the object to scan the object from all sides.

The Basics of 3D Scanning with a Stationary 3D Scanner

Output: 3D Model of a Running Shoe in 360°

3D Scanning with a Rotary Table for Automated 3D Scanning

Output: 3D Model of a Mine Ball in 360°

How Structured-Light Handheld 3D Scanners Work

Compared to a stationary 3D scanner, the handheld 3D scanner is more portable. It works similar to a video camera. The user holds onto the capturing unit while collecting data from the physical object.

The Basics of 3D Scanning with a Handheld 3D Scanner

Output: 3D Model of a Drill in 360°

3D Scanning with More Complicated Objects (ie. flat, difficult to sit)

Output: 3D Model of Spear Head in 360°

To better understand the differences between a stationary 3D scanner compared to a handheld 3D scanner, make sure to check out our post on Choosing Between a Stationary or Handheld 3D Scanner.

3D Scanning in Color

If the structured-light scanner uses color camera(s) instead of ones that only capture black and white images, it will be able to capture color and texture of that object as well. For many applications, capturing color is not overly important if you just need the digital models for measurement purposes, as in the case of computer-aided inspection.

Color is important for applications where you want to accurately represent the object in 3D digital form as in the case for selling products on an ecommerce website, creating graphic imaging for gaming or movies, or for digitizing artifacts for viewing, documentation, and sharing.

quick tip icon
Budget Saving Tip

If you are on a tight budget and color isn’t essential, you can typically save money by getting a 3D scanner that captures monochrome 3D models instead of color.

Black and White Digital 3D Model of a Dental Mold

Color Digital 3D Model of a Face Scan

Is a Structured-light 3D Scanner Right For Me?

The main advantages to using a structured-light 3D scanner are it can capture objects into complete digital 3D models with full detail at very fast speed. A 3D scan can be captured in about 1 second, while a full 3D model of a basic object can be captured in just a few minutes in high-resolution (million(s) of polygons) with extreme accuracy (sub-micron).

Due to its fast scanning speed, structured-light 3D scanners are especially great for projects where you have to scan objects in volume or if you have to scan people. People have a tendency to move due to breathing so the faster a scanner can capture a scan, the better the scan results will be.

Structured-light 3D scanners are great for capturing objects in full digital 3D model from approximately 1 cm to 3 meters in size.







Structured-light 3D scanners are ideal for scanning objects with:

  • Complex surfaces that are difficult to measure with hand tools (calipers, gauges) or other measurement tools
  • Highly detailed organic, freeform surfaces
  • Surfaces that cannot be touched as structured-light 3D scanners are non-contact measurement devices

Structured-light 3D scanners are useful for a range of industry applications. Read our industry applications guide to learn more about the different uses.

The best way to determine if a structured-light 3D scanner is right for you is to consult a reputable 3D scanner provider who can answer any of the questions you have. They will be able to assess your application and determine which scanner is most suitable for your needs. They can also give you use cases similar to your application to demonstrate the capabilities of the scanner or provide test scans for you. This will ensure you get what you need upon purchase.

Return on Investment

The post How Structured-Light 3D Scanners Work (With Video Demonstrations) appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

Practical Industry Applications to 3D Printing Beyond the Hype Thu, 04 May 2017 15:00:07 +0000 Are there real benefits to adopting 3D printing? Let's examine concrete examples of how 3D printing has made a real impact on different industries.

The post Practical Industry Applications to 3D Printing Beyond the Hype appeared first on GoMeasure3D.


3D printing has been invented since 1983 when Charles Hull invented the stereolithography machine. He went on to start 3D Systems in 1986. Fast forward to the early 2010s, the movement for affordable 3D printing has skyrocketed due to 3D printing patents expiring and it’s still continuing today. When the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printing process patent expired in 2009, it enabled a new breed of affordable 3D printers to give rise to its popularity. (Source: TechCrunch)

3D printers that used to cost more than $10,000 were now available for as low as under $1,000. The attractive price made 3D printing more accessible, which drove its use and adoption. 3D printing technology that had previously been relatively unknown had crossed over to massive appeal where even students are using it in classrooms.

The debate on whether 3D printing is hype

Depending on which side you are on, there are those who says that 3D printing is a fad that’s starting to fizzle. While on the other end of the spectrum, others believe it still needs time to realize its potential to be the next technological revolution, like computers and the Internet. Technology adoption, simply just takes time.

If you look more closely at the media attention surrounding the hype of 3D printing, it’s mainly focused on:

  1. Consumer 3D printing for personal use: The vision that one day desktop 3D printers will be put into the every home like laser or inkjet printers.

  2. The Promise of the Future: 3D printing applications that still needs to prove their viability on a larger scale. We’ve heard stories that 3D printing holds the promise of ending world hunger by 3D printing food, help us with our medical needs with 3D printed organs, or putting 3D printed cars on the streets.

    The first 3D printed car by Local Motors Strati roadster. Time will only tell if they will be mass adopted. Source: Popular Mechanics

Looking beyond the hype

Much of the spotlight is focused on the mass adoption of 3D printing by consumers or the potential of 3D printing. There is a lesser emphasis on discussing the positive impact 3D printing has on organizations that already adopted the technology to help them realize real benefits now.

When we break down 3D printers into different categories, the hype is usually centered on consumer 3D printers and high-end 3D printers. 3D printer prices can range from $500 to $500,000+. More expensive 3D printers typically give you better print quality, larger print volume, more selection in terms of materials you can print, and better print durability.

  Price Description
High-end 3D Printers $$$$ High quality 3D printing typically reserved for larger companies such as Ford, Boeing, and GE.
Mid-Tier 3D Printers $$-$$$ Typically small to medium-sized companies or organizations that use 3D printing due to its affordable price from a business perspective.
Consumer 3D Printers $ Personal use for makers and tinkerers who use 3D printing for leisure or small-scale applications.

Let’s look beyond the hype and examine concrete examples of how 3D printing has impacted different industries now. Since high-end 3D printers are expensive and normally only attainable by larger corporations, we’ll focus on organizations that use mid-tier 3D printers that offer value–providing good quality 3D prints without breaking the bank.

Industry Applications to 3D Printing

Footwear: Feetz brings custom-fit 3D-printed shoes to customers
3D printed footwear

It’s hard to find a great pair of shoes that fit your feet well. Feetz is the first company to use 3D printers to produce custom-fitted, sustainably-made stylish shoes. Founded in 2013, the digital cobbler is on a mission to revolutionize footwear so every shoe is made custom fit using a smartphone and a 3D printer.

How it works:

Feetz how it works

The shoes aren’t a gimmick. They are meant to last. Each pair is guaranteed for 500 miles of walking. When the shoes need to be retired, customers can choose to send them back to Feetz as they are 100% recyclable and the company can ship a new pair to them.

3D printers are great for mass customization because products can be tailored to each customer at a relatively low cost. Feetz use Axiom 3D printers to produce each shoe and it’s powerful and fast enough to keep up with demand. It has the capability to manufacture shoes out of comfortable, aesthetically pleasing materials without compromising on quality.

Automotive: Saleen Automotive accelerates the product design cycle

Saleen Automotive was founded in 1984 and the name has become well-known as a manufacturer of high-performance street and track vehicles. The company has continually raised the standard for automotive design and performance engineering in both street and racing applications. Since 2013, the product design team has taken advantage of 3D printers for building large-scale prototype parts to improve their designs and to accelerate their product design cycle.

Prototyping design
Saleen car
Photo: Rapid prototyping a car shift-knob design using a 3D printer.

“It used to take six weeks to build prototype parts for our cars. It was a complicated process that included CAD designs, sending designs to a tool maker, having the prototype injection molded and returned to us. And if the prototype wasn’t perfect, we repeated the process until we were satisfied. With our Airwolf 3D printer, we accomplish the same thing in two days. Not only do we get parts into production faster, we can also modify and refine our designs faster.”

Sven Etzelsberger Vice President of Engineering Saleen Automotive

Saleen also use the 3D printer to manufacture small functional parts that are strong enough to go directly into their automobiles as well as developing parts including window louvers, exhaust tips, butterfly mechanisms, light bezels.

Architecture: jbA Architectural Firm Brings 2D Renderings to Life
Architectural drawings

Nat Ellis, Head of Visualization from jbA, has been using a 3D printer to produce 3D renderings of all their architectural designs since 2013. Nat believes the investment into 3D printing technology provided his firm a competitive advantage over other agencies who depend on older methods of rendering.

The 3D printed models that jbA produces with a 3D printer are scaled perfectly to bring 2D blueprints to life. People have a tendency to visualize better in 3D than 2D. You can see the 3D printed model physically from different perspectives. 3D printed models are great at displaying spatial relationships and scale in ways that traditional rendering cannot.

As Ellis puts it, “It has not only helped clients get more involved with a project, but also helps give contractors on site a cleaner understanding of the end product to create a more streamlined process for all involved.”

Architects are skilled in making 3D rendering possible with CAD so it’s an easy transition to transform digital CAD drawings into 3D printed models using a 3D printer. If you are already using software such as Google Sketchup, it’s easy to use along with a 3D printer to make this happen.

Medical: 3D printing gives a helping hand
Girl with 3D printed hand

Medical applications in 3D printing transform people’s lives in such a positive way. Faith Lennox is a 7-year-old girl whose arm was amputated due to a condition called compartment syndrome she had at birth.

Faith is a very active girl who likes to bike, surf, and play sports such as baseball. She needed to get an artificial limb that would be functional, affordable, comfortable, and she would enjoy wearing. The new hand will help Faith alleviate the back pain she has as a result of her unequal arm length.

Traditional prosthetics can be costly with a price tag of upwards of $30,000. Considering that Faith is at the age when she’s growing up fast, she would need to replace her prosthesis every 1 to 2 years. The cost of the equipment would be very expensive for any family to bear.

Luckily with the partnership of E-NableBUILD IT Workspace, and AirWolf 3D, Faith’s new hand cost her family just $50! Her new hand took less than a month to design and it was printed in 24 hours. Faith’s new 3D printed hand has a simple yet modular design that allows her to modify, repair, and replace the unit with minimal time, cost, and effort as she grows.

Besides building robotic limbs, other medical applications to 3D printing already in place today include 3D printed prosthetics, braces, and foot orthotics.

ActivArmour Orthotics
ActivArmour is a waterproof, breathable, custom 3D printed splint that provides an affordable alternative to traditional medical casts using 3D scanning and 3D printing technology to improve patients’ comfort.
Wiiv 3D printed insoles
Wiiv provides custom fit 3D printed insoles for comfort and performance.

Where does this leave us?

After looking at these examples, there appears to be a recurring theme. The cost of owning a 3D printer along with the associated materials costs enable organizations to customize their products on a personal level at an affordable price. 3D printing is a flexible technology that can be adapted into various industries to realize its benefits, in terms of reducing cost, streamlining processes, driving innovation, and helping people out in their daily lives.

As more 3D printing process patents expire and 3D printing improves and evolves by providing even better technology at a lowered price, we hope to see more and more businesses benefiting from the use of 3D printing.

The post Practical Industry Applications to 3D Printing Beyond the Hype appeared first on GoMeasure3D.

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